Introduction of Michael

Hello and Welcome,

It is the week on labor day 2020 and I just made 41 years old a week ago.  I do not feel my age, I feel rejuvenated, I feel born again, not a mid life crisis but a mid life resurgence.  So far 2020 has felt as if several years have passed by, in mid March I suffered a severe back injury and was forced to lay down for several weeks.  I was eventually diagnosed with two herniated disc, sciatic nerve damage on my left side with my hips being unaligned and Piriformis syndrome.  Between mid March and early August, I learned to embrace who I really am and live in my light.

Let me just say life in the pandemic wasn't the best start.  In order to maintain I had to take over the counter medication (550ml) three times a day and I'm not a person who every like to swallow pills.  I had to over come this mental hang up of choking to death with trial and error of several different medications until finding one that worked.  It was 6 weeks into the quarantine before finding relief from a chiropractor willing to take new patients.  I did have a virtual appointment with my General Physician who prescribed an inflammatory for my back but that did nothing.

Between March 14th and now the world had then changed.  Prior to the quarantine rumors out of Atlanta of a young black male killed while jogging, the killing of young black woman in her home by the police serving a warrant at the wrong house and the footage of a modern day lynching by police.  Question arose within myself, passionate conversations of enlightenment started with my peers.  It became obvious that community needed healing and transparency.  I had been silent on social media since the election of 45 in 2016.  I purged so many people out of my life, in person and virtually, the consequences of not voting, not understanding the power is with the people, in my opinion led us to the reality we are living in today.  But life has a way of coming full circle, it has a way bringing us back to start.  I've always said when you make a wrong turn in life, it will take 3 left turns to get back right where you started from, in this countries case it was 2017, 2018, 2019.

My purpose of blogging is to share insight, my wife and I have a consulting firm, an event venue, an event design firm, an interior design firm, real estate and I just started a monthly forum entitled Vocal Engagements Regarding Societies Underlying Systemics or VERSUS.  And we have accomplished all these achievements without a college education, just hard work and a since of purpose.  I have learned in life you can not have Success with Sacrifice.
